You Shouldn’t Be Using Video in Your Marketing Strategy.

July 26, 2017

Battle of the Big Cats is back and we’re talking video adoption at the dealerships. This fourth round is kicked off by Chris K Leslie and I’m sure we’re going to see some intriguing back and forth on this topic. Take it away Chris…

It’s safe to say that video is well past the status of an “up-and-coming” marketing tactic. In fact, last month, Hubspot reported that a whopping “51.9% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI”.

Look at the facts:

  • Marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users (VidYard).
  • People spend on average 2.6x more time on pages with video than without (Wistia).
  • 500 million people are watching videos on Facebook every day (TubularInsights).
  • Snapchatters watch 10 billion videos a day (AdWeek).
  • 92 percent of mobile video viewers share videos with others.
  • Social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined. (Brightcove)

However, as far back as 2015, we saw stats on DealerRefresh that showed us that video was considered the hardest content to produce. It’s an interesting thread and I feel it still holds up 2 years after it’s original posting.

So What’s the Hold-Up?

I can scour the internet for stats. I can serve up study after study on how and why video should be a priority in your marketing strategy. But, it doesn’t seem to be resonating with the majority of dealerships out there.
Regardless of how many workshops or sessions you have attended showing you the “why’s” and the “how’s” it still seems to be impossible to get your dealership to adopt a video strategy.
More often than not, automotive has been known to shoot from the hip. It’s what’s been working so, why change it? So my goal this round is to re-enforce to why you SHOULDN’T do video. If you haven’t started or if you feel you’re still spinning your wheels trying to execute, I’m here to give you an out.

Why You Shouldn’t Do Video

You won’t make a plan.

We don’t like long term planning, it’s better to tackle things in the moment, every moment. So no need to change it. Even though evergreen video content is what you should really be creating. You’ll instead try to throw in your sales of the month and ruin it all.
So you might as well just advertise your tv commercial on YouTube and hope for clicks.

You won’t invest in tools.

Good audio and video aren’t impossible. It’s not expensive It just requires a little bit of money. But if buying billboards is more your thing then investing in timeless and owned content. By all means get all the sky sores you can get.

You don’t care if people watch it.

Reporting doesn’t mean anything to you and that’s ok. I mean all you’re really looking for is things to cut anyway. So why look at something and try to make it better when you can just cut it and move on to something different?

You won’t invest in people to help you with it.

Why pay someone who knows what they’re doing when you’ve got 20 Brad Pits walking around the lot with smart phones in their pocket am I right. Aren’t those like mini TV studios anyways?

Your team is too busy.

Like the stats shared on DealerRefresh communicated, a video is hard to produce, it takes too much time. Let’s keep believing that. Your staff has far too much to do with the 5 hours of their shift that they’re not in front of customers. They’re busy doing a follow-up, appointment setting and ensuring all their interactions are being logged into your CRM right?
Of course, what else would they be doing?
Stay the course, don’t change if you don’t have to, what’s the worst thing that could happen? You have enough to do. Besides, those inflatable gorillas aren’t going to set themselves up.


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